Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Show

as promised, here are the images from the show:

Self Portrait, drypoint

Vase I, etching

Procession, etching

Anima?, etching and drypoint

Sight + Sound, etching

To the Shores of Tripoli, etching and aquatint

The Three Ages of Man, etching and drypoint

The Temptation of St. Anthony, etching and drypoint

Via Dolorosa, etching

Thanks again to everyone who made it out to the show.

1 comment:

  1. well done, sir! no one draws like you. I'm so glad I have eyes that work because looking at your stuff is always a treat. I mean I also like having eyes that work just in general. holy shit if i go blind tomorrow delete this message so people don't get all weird about it.
